Terms and Condition

Visiting our Perthsecurityguards website means you agree to our terms of service and have read them thoroughly. We have the right to amend our page terms and conditions; it’s your sole duty to check them when you visit our site.

  1. Our website asks for your information to get escape from fraud. Don’t worry; we never share your private data with other parties.
  2. We add other website links to our content. You must check them properly and read their content or terms of service. Don’t blame us if any mishap happens to you after adding your information over there.
  3. Our website contains no viruses. We advise you to take precautionary steps before downloading any information from our website.
  4. Perthsecurityguards offers services to their customers at standard prices. As the sole owner of our company, it’s our right to make changes in our prices. Review our prices before ordering any of our services.
  5. Do not interfere with our website information by amending or removing its content. We will take legal action if someone tries to disturb our site.
  6. Our company takes charges for making changes to services after booking.
  7. For any queries, wishes, or suggestions regarding our website, you are free to tell us about it.